Molluscs and Malacology in Germany | in deutscher Sprache |
in English |
Here you can find information about malacology (research on mollusks), mollusks (mollusca) and conchology (study of the molluscan shells). Members of the mollusca are snails and slugs (gastropods, Gastropoda), clams and mussels (Bivalvia), squids and octopuses (Cephalopoda), chitons (Polyplacophora), tusk shells (Scaphopoda), and the less popular groups of Monoplacophora, Solenogastres and Caudofoveata.
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(more explications and preface)
Page managed by Dr. Vollrath Wiese, Haus der Natur - Cismar (
on behalf of the malacological societies in Germany.
The pages of the Malacological museum "Haus der
Natur - Cismar" were visited
times since 1998.
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